Tuesday, October 11, 2005


i went to an awards banquet last night at the request of one of the VP's of the foundation that sponsored my journalism fellowship a couple years ago...she called me up a month ago and told me she was going to be in town for this banquet and asked me to be her guest, not like i could really say no since she is one of the people responsible for me being where i am right now...and she is a nice women we get along well...

it was a typical dinner...and i was pretty much questioned by various people at the university regarding who is was and why i was there..and then i reply and they say "oh wow thats great"...followed by more making some generic comments like "wonderful", or "oh really " or asking some mundane question that i really didnt want to know the answer to and giving the smile and a few friends of mine would say i was doing the "clipty-clop" the horse and pony show..
but the VP did introduce me to some exec. editors at a couple papers and some good contacts... so it wasnt all a the food was actually good...

after the dinner there was a lecture given by a pulitzer first i thought it was going to be a lot of "i did this," "i did that," and "thats how i got here" type of lecture..and a lot of it was but she also made a few good points about journalism and writing and i kinda wished i hadnt left my notebook in the car...

i do remember one thing that stood out to me, the presenter said "resentment is drinking the poison and expecting the other person to die."

and that stuck with me because i know as much as i dont want to and try to tell myself that i dont, i hold a lot of stuff in, anger, sadness, pain, just junk...and i tell myself that thats why i write to get that stuff out...but that doesnt always work, sometimes writing it down doesnt do anything especially when that person never knew how u affected them...there are numerous people i have let slip away and never told them how i felt and i still have that stuff inside...and its really not good..but part of me knows that for some its too late to tell, i will never speak to them again...and yet i still resent certain pain they have caused in my life...and then there are some people in my life who i can still reach out to and let them know what i am thinking and feeling and i havent....and i need too..but its hard...i talk a good game...always have...always will...but i know im at a breaking point where i need to let go...and keep letting go...

hopefully i will get it all out before the next person leaves my life and i am let holding onto words i never got a chance to say...


Ms.Seven Supa Sized said...

"there are numerous people i have let slip away and never told them how i felt and i still have that stuff inside...and its really not good..but part of me knows that for some its too late to tell, i will never speak to them again...and yet i still resent certain pain they have caused in my life...and then there are some people in my life who i can still reach out to and let them know what i am thinking and feeling and i havent....and i need too..but its hard...i talk a good game...always have...always will...but i know im at a breaking point where i need to let go...and keep letting go..."

I'm kinda in this dilemma now. There aren't any ill feelings harbored but I'm wanting to say something to someone that is evident but remains hushed between the both of us. Not saying anything is our way of avoiding complications. And I'm wanting to let it go but it just keeps plucking at my heart strings.

Anyways. I feel you on this. May write a lil something on it later.