Wednesday, September 12, 2007

journal entry: dumping it out

sometimes i want to tell my friends what i think their issues are...but why?...i know i cant do that especially when i have my own to worry my friends know what their issue be preaching to the do you know your issues and not feel compelled to work on them? that scares me...its almost like you dont want to grow, to change...fear will keep you locked in your old habits...but who am i to one...why am i acting like i know it all? i still have so much more to learn...but i guess i just want to plant seeds...give folks something to think i had to many times i had to pick myself up and find my own way...learn to meditate on life, on behaviors on wants, on needs, on peace, on words...its like a must become self-aware...i am striving for more inner peace...i have a quite a bit...i could be more patient and understanding...i do judge...i try not to...but i am also human...i know i have a way of making people scared to disappoint me and that may not be a good thing...i am not seeking perfection in people...i am seeking honesty, honesty with themselves about who they are, what they believe and for them to not be ashamed to admit the shyt they dont like about themselves...if you cant be honest with yourself, if you live a life where you are constantly lying to yourself...then who in the world should trust you?...if you dont trust you...i guess i crave openness in all aspects of my life which can sound hypocritical to some because many feel like they never really get to know me but i am open, my life my love is open...if u ask the right questions at the right time...and actually listen...i will tell, i will give, but i dont feel the need to give every single detail of my being to every single person i come across...i am too precious for that, my thoughts, my laughter, my heart is too precious for that....


Vee said...

sometimes it takes a person to actually ACKNOWLEDGE that those "issues" about themself need to be adjusted. Some people acknowledge the issue but decide to do nothing about because...for 1, looking in the mirror hurts
and 2, change hurts

many people are afraid of change...even for the better.

Ms.Seven Supa Sized said... are young with a wealth of wisdom/insight. I wish I had a friend close by that I ca lean on for a second and basially tell me how it is. You are great Spel...a wonderful woman...definitely someone to learn from.