Thursday, July 20, 2006

birthday fun and hair issues....

my birthday week was mama says you gotta celebrate for a week...and i did...after ringing it in on top of the bar i chilled out the next day....i had planned on spending my birthday by myself and that exactly what i did...i just felt like bringing my in 25th year in solitude, with my own thoughts....i took myself out to lunch, got a pedicure, bought a couple books and a few new shirts, pretty much just spent money i had no business spending...i bought myself some gorgeous pink roses and spent the rest of the night reading, writing and watching was very peaceful....
my parents flew in on thursday afternoon and i spent some time gettign them settled..i idnt get the days off i requested so i had to work the whole time they were here but we made the best of it...we ate and did a little shopping each mom bought me the CUTEST shoes...
fridays night was the big birthday party for the three of us who celebrated on the 10th, me on the 11th and another on the 12th...we had a big party at this club we go to....i would put up some photos but....well....they r a little incriminating....lets just say everyone had a good time at the club...afterward we all came back to my place where we finished off a couple bottle of wine i had, played music and when everyone got hungry, i made a dozen eggs complete with cheese and hot sause....
my parents and i went to L.A. on monday...and i was not impressed...maybe i was just not in the right spot in L.A. but i wasnt feelin it...went to see some fam and friends and then drove back home....
my parents left tuesday morning...and i missed them as soon as i got back in the car to head mom gave me 'madea goes to jail' for my b-day and some pics of the fam..i gotta put up the pic of my and my daddy....
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im having hair issues...
i really think this extreme heat is messing with my hair...
i noticed my hair was shedding like crazy a few weeks ago and i was worried
so i went and got it trimmed. the woman who trimmed my hair suggested a shampoo/conditioner for dry and damaged hair to give my hair/scalp xtra moisture
she also said to rotate between that shampoo and a clarifying shampoo to reduce build up she also suggested adding a lite oil...
today i washed my hair and i see broken pieces in the middle...and that pissed me offf...
ever sense i lived in atlanta i took pride in knowing how to take care of my hair...i had a real good beautician who taught me a lot about caring for my hair and what i need to do because to keep it looking hair is very thick and not too coarse, i dont have to mess with it too much, it keeps its body for quite a while...i wash it once a week, and only put heat on it once a week and keep it wrapped...i get it trimmed regularly and a relaxer every 3-4 months....half the time i walk out of the house forgetting to comb my hair but all i have to do is run my fingers through it and im good to go....
im trying not to trip on the broken just going to get my hair back in shape but this heat and direct sunlight is sooo not the desert where i live i have been told more than a hundred times to protect my eyes with sun glasses and my skin with sunscreen because the desert intense UVA and UVB rays...but no one said anything to me about my hair...
i was going about my usual routine like i used to do in indiana and i am just now realizing that this different climate means i have to switch it up....
anyone have any hair tips?
im about to go out tomorrow and get a deep condtioner....


Ms.Seven Supa Sized said...

Drink lots of water...keep it moisturized with a UVB/UVA typehair lotion. That may help. Vitamin A and B and Horsetail herb is good for hair as well. That's all I can think of or maybe a cholesteral treatment.

Haven't forgot about the gift. I just keep forgetting to walk to the post office during my lunch hour. It's hella hot here as well.

lyre said...

You know what Spel. I think that is a wonderful way tospend a birthday. You are 25 and I am turning 50. solitude and peace. Beautiful. The next day is time enough to get buck wild. I think I will do the same. soitude and peace for my 5oth and then maybe let Seven find me a dynamite trip for the next 4 or 5 days and party my a$$ off. Thank you for the prayer. I truly needed that. Much Love.

Ms.Seven Supa Sized said...

@Spel Grab some Mizani products....fulfyl conditioner.

@GB...yep, I'll hook that up

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

happy belated...