Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My New Baby!!!

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im so lease was up on my malibu so i had to turn my baby MJ back in to the parents got me a good deal on a 2007 Impala where they live in they are having the car shipped from Michigan to me way out here in Southern mama has always called me the expensive child..and i cant even lie about it i parents spoil me...but im not a brat about it..but i know im blessed...although my mama did tell me ill be taking over the payments soon..not looking forward to that day...

so my new Impala is going to be a dark gray, almost black color...i have to figure out a name for it, any ideas? first car was Malcolm, he got totalled a few years ago, then i got MJ (stands for my fav Michaels - Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and Michael Johnson)...yes, i know you are supposed to name your car after a woman...but hell im me, so my cars always have a mans name - i mean think about it, the man in your life is supposed to be protective, dependable, sexy not scared to get a little dirty and ready for anything you throw at him...makes sense right?...

anyway, im bubbling over with new car is on its way, ill be going to nashville for my fellowship reunion at Vanderbilt in a few weeks and then ill be hittin up Spelman/Morehouse homecoming in Atlanta...oh and i just purchased a sweet little silver Bullet that is keeping me on cloud nine...*smirk*


DivineLavender said...

Bullets are a heaven scent.

Nicollette said...

Congrats girl!!!!

lyre said...

I named my bullet, LEROY!

Spelangel said...

LOL...i named mine Harvey after the trainer on Celebrity Fit Club!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the new car. I hope you enjoy it. mbd