Thursday, April 06, 2006

living in the moment

im at the local bar on monday, my day off, with about 8 of my co workers...
now i had told myself that i was going to stay home and eat cookie dough (made from scratch, thank you very much!) while watching whatever i had recorded during the week on my fact i had been such a homebody monday that i only left the house once to go to el pollo loca and get a chicken burrito...
so my co workers calls and tells me they r going to get together and watch the game at this other hangout and i was like cool but im chillin inside today...then my wother co worker calls and is tells me the same thing, and i say naw im cool...then around 9:30 - i remember the time cause half and half was coming on - my co worker calls again and says they are all meeting up at the bar...finally i say ok, let me take a shower and i might be out i guess i get there around 10:30 ish..on the way i call a few of the girls and let them know and so they said they will meet me over there...
ok so we are all hanging out, im not really drinking too much, i had a smirnoff ice and spent my time chatting up with one co worker is talkin to this guy that i had seen there a few times, he was cute, nothing spectacular but he was aiight..anyway...
they tell me he own a shop a few doors down and does we talk about piercings for awhile...somehow i ended up showing him my belly button..he mentions that i have a nice belly thing i know i say lets go, grab my keys and my phone and four of us are headed off to the shop...minutes later i have a big needle in my belly and a few seconds and moments of eye closing pain later, i have the cutest ring in my belly...
he tells me how to care for it, we hug, we all leave the shop...did i mention it was like 2 in the morning when this went down?
i try and slide 40 bucks in dudes hand - cause i dont want him to think imma repay him any other kind of way...but he refuses to take it...thats cool, cause it was my lunch money for the week anyway...
i never thought id end up getting that done...but its cool, i like it...i felt so carefree and friends say im always doing something spontaneous, but i didnt really believe it til now...i like that about myself..its like i live in the moment...
i cant sleep on my tummy for awhile...but maybe this is what i needed to kick start this exercise thing...i am going to want to show off my belly ring whenever i hit the maybe ill buckle down...i mean i will buckle down...after i finish the cookie dough i made...cause i cant throw it away....